If you are using Actionstep, the platform upon which BKexpress Cloud runs, and you haven’t joined the LinkedIn Actionstep Users Interest Group yet, you should look into it. This is where Actionstep posts updates, new features, training schedules, and other information. Users can exchange ideas, and make suggestions for product feature enhancements. The simplest way to join the Group is to use the link in Actionstep’s Help under “LinkedIn User Group.” You can also Google “join linkedin” or “join a linkedin group.”
Vote for new Actionstep features
Actionstep, the cloud-based legal practice management system is based, has a great tool in their Help section under Feedback Forum. It’s like a suggestion box, except that you can see all the suggestions that have been made, and you can search for suggestions you’re interested in. You can also vote for the suggestions you like, see how many votes each one has, and see the status of each suggestion (Reviewed, Planned, Completed, etc.). If there’s a suggestion you want to make, search the topic first to see if anyone has suggested it. If so, you can vote for it and make comments on it. If not, add the suggestion, and review it from time to time to see how many votes it has garnered and watch it go from Reviewed to Completed!